Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Monday, December 18, 2017

A facetious last-minute gift guide for that runner in your life.

Large dog and I headed out into the almost-40-degree weather we were having at 5:30 AM this morning for an easy 3 miler.  He was too busy getting his post-run snack to grab a selfie with me so small dog stepped in to fulfill large dog's post-run selfie obligation.

For those of you who keep asking, small dog does not run with me.  He refuses to leave the yard, even for a walk.  He is a complete and total chicken about the road, and that is why he is a bit of a chubster.  We're working on it.

Anyhoo, I feel as if I need to give you an update on how I'm feeling from my weight workout yesterday:

I kid you not, my shoulders and back hurt just to touch them.  I'm surprised I can even type this blog post with all of the soreness coursing through my upper body.  And I don't know how this happened, but my triceps are super sore...and if you remember all the way back to yesterday, you'll realize I did a back, biceps, and shoulders workout.  There goes Cathe, making you work muscles that aren't even listed on the front of the DVD.   I suspect the shoulders, chest and triceps workout I'm going to do tomorrow is going to be just a little tougher than I expected--just a wild guess.

Speaking of wild guesses, do you know what to give that special runner in your life?  Say, a special runner who writes really dumb blog posts (almost) every day for your entertainment, laughter, and sometimes derision and scorn?  Well, it's a week until Christmas (gasp!), so if you still haven't gotten that runner on your list a gift, here are some last minute facetious gift ideas for you:

1) Socks.  Remember when you were little and socks (and underwear) were the LAST thing you wanted to see under the tree?  Runners can't get enough of these former Christmas loser-gifts.  I love them as stocking stuffers, because I enjoy the irony of stuffing a large sock with smaller socks.  By the way, in case you needed to know, I prefer Swiftwick and Feetures.

2) Gels.  I mean, this is a good gift if your runner is the type to eat gels during training runs or races.  I know I am. (HINT) They come in a wide variety of flavors and brands-Gu, Chia, Clif, Hammer Gels, etc.  Again, in case you needed to know for any reason, I use Gu Roctane Sea Salt Chocolate during runs and races.  mainly because it's like having pudding at regular intervals.  Any runner will love you for getting them these, because this is pretty much kind of expensive flavored sugar in teeny tiny pouches.

3) Anti-chafing sticks or cream.  No runner digs chafing...unless they enjoy crying on the back half of a marathon or screaming in surpirsed agony in the shower after a long run.  Help the runner in your life wipe out the tragedy of chafing during a race with these little bars of slippery goodness.  And if you could shoot me a text before each race reminding me to put my anti-chafe stuff on, that would be awesome.

4) This cat that likes to tear up our nice oak stair railing and the carpet. Free delivery.  I hope the runner you're giving this to is not allergic to cats, though.  He won't run with them-FYI.

5) Gift cards to the sporting goods store of their choice.  Or Amazon.  Whatever.  If you're not into running but just like to hang out with runners (hopefully not while they're running...that would be hard and awkward) so you don't really know what to get them, a gift card is the way to go.  That way they can shop for themselves and, if they do it after a race, they can get in some nice post-race recovery to boot.

6) Running hats and/or gloves.  I'll be honest--my in-laws don't run, but they are always awesome enough to venture into a sporting goods store during this time of year and try and pick out something for me that's running related.  When they ask me what I want, I usually say a hat or a pair of gloves so they don't have to worry about picking out something that may be the wrong size.  Plus, I always needs hats and running gloves because large dog keeps stealing them out of the laundry so small dog can tear them to bits.  Anyway, what I'm saying is that a running beanie or cap or a pair of gloves are gear any runner can always use.  If it's not torn to bits, that is.

7) Hand or foot warmers.  Have you ever waited around for an hour in 30 degree weather for a marathon to start and then your toes/fingers go numb and then you run the first three miles with numb toes and/or fingers?  It sucks.  Just buy a big old pack of hand and/or toe warmers and make that winter runner you know the happiest little winter runner they can be.

8) Anything that is reflective or glow-in-the-dark.  If you know a runner this time of year, chances are they get to run un the dark because, you know, axial tilt of the Earth and its rotation around the Sun and all.  Show them that you care that they don't get hit by a car by getting them any type of blinky lighted running thing, a headlamp, or something that is reflective.  Testimonial:  One year I got reflective ankle bands as a Secret Santa gift, and I still wear them to this day when I run in the dark.  So obviously because I love them all runners will love them, right?

And it is obviously time for some learnings:

  • Small dog won't go into the road, but he will be the first to dart behind your legs when you bring out wrapping paper to wrap presents.
  • The free cat also likes to pounce on your scissors while present-wrapping is occurring.  He likes to live dangerously.
  • I may have been facetious in my descriptions, but if your little runner finds any of these under the tree, they will be a happy runner.  
  • I hope my husband is reading this post, because I know he hasn't done any Xmas shopping for me yet and these will be the only things left he can purchase because it will be too late to order what I really want online and get it here in time.

Tomorrow's workout:  I already let the cat out of the bag (ha!) and told you it's Cathe's chest, triceps, and shoulders workout from her Ripped with Hiit series.  Find out if I survive by tuning in tomorrow...

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