Well, that didn't exactly happen. Mainly because I forgot to set my alarm and we woke up super late. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because large dog and I had a completely kickin' last long-ish run...and we got to run in 55 degree weather, no less.
Even large dog celebrated how well this last run went.
The cats even thought we were looking good. Or they were just on the lookout for large dog coming back to potentially eat their heads. You just never know with cats.
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Large dog looks good...hyooman needs work. As usual. |
So, how well did it go? The training schedule called for a 10 mile run at marathon pace. Remember that marathon pace is a 9:20....supposedly.
I know, I know, I ran it too fast. Maybe it was the 55-degree weather at the start of December, but this run felt very, very easy. Maybe that's the way the plan was designed--that this last run at marathon pace was a test to see if you had trained sufficiently and could breeze through your race. Well, breeze through the first 10 miles, anyway. Marathons tend to be just a touch longer than 10 miles, in case you were not aware.
So it looks like I can be confident about the first ten miles....so what will I do when I start to lose confidence after that (because I always want to sit down and cry around mile 20)? Well, people have given me some ideas over the years, some of which I might actually try:
- Have a mantra that you repeat to yourself to get your mind right during those moments when you want to give up. Some suggest "You're stronger than you think you are" or "Run like a badass." My mantra usually consists of bargains with myself, such as "If you just keep running you can get some new shoes. Or a dress. Or a puppy." As of today, I owe myself approximately 127 puppies.
- Find another runner and pace them so you have something else upon which to focus. I've done this before; sometimes it works, and sometimes I just think of how easy that person is making it look and yet I am suffering so I should just sit down and cry.
- Do a complete body check-in when you feel yourself thinking you aren't going to make it. Think about every body part and make it relax, and "check in" with it to make yourself realize your body is not as tired as you think (your brain gives up way before the body does). I do this often during a marathon, but here's a pro-tip for you: If you decide to shake out your arms and shoulders, make sure you're not going to clock anyone in the gut as they run by you as you flail your arms about.
- Pretend that the face of someone you really, really, don't like is underneath your feet with each footfall. Not gonna lie-this one works the best when I'm suffering the most because it provides me with a way to channel my frustration and anger. But it does nothing to solve whatever problem(s) you have with that person-just a little bonus life coaching there for you. You're welcome.
- Internally scream SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP and remember that pain is temporary, but race results on the internet are forever. This is more of a "tough love" approach, which is pretty much my default.
As you can see, I have some options if times get tough next weekend during my marathon. And don't worry--I won't sit down and cry if it gets really bad. I'll lay down and cry instead.
Have we learned anything at all from this post? Maybe we learned these things:
- Are you used to having a cat tree in the background of all my indoor selfies? I know you are by now. Embrace the cat tree.
- "Running Ninja" is my favorite selfie pose.
- Large dog always rears up like that when we start a run. Like a horse in an old western movie. Because he is large AND weird.
- Do you know how happy I was that I got to wear a light long-sleeved t-shirt and capris on December 3rd in the Northern Hemisphere for a 10 mile run?
- I know it's going to hurt after miles 18. But you have to have a strategy to deal with the hurt...even if it includes stomping on imaginary faces.
Tomorrow's workout: More intermediate Cathe workouts, this time an upper-body workout. Still gonna be weird not lifting heavy...
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