Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Abe's for babes. He told me so.

I have done a little running this week. This running has been done all outside because spring has finally decided to get its arse here, so I have been pretty happy. I managed to do some speed work on Tuesday (some 1000 m and 400 m repeats), and was looking forward to doing my easy run the next day somewhere other than the treadmill. Other than a gastrointestinal mishap (I faced a decision to either mess myself or use nature's facilities in a rather busy area. I chose the latter.) it was a nice easy run.

My Thursday tempo run got all screwed up again and didn't actually happen on Thursday. Instead of a 6 miler 8 I got up on Friday and ran a 3 miler instead because I did recognize the fact that I had to run a half marathon the next day-the Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon in Springfield, IL.

This is my first time running this race, and my first impression is that it is a well-run one. It's basically a running tour of all of the Lincoln historic sites. It starts at the Lincoln Presidential Library, where Abraham Lincoln himself says a few words to get everyone going (you also get emails from Abe himself if you sign up for this race! Exciting!). The race starts with some musket fire, and off you go, through the historic buildings and by the old and new state capitols. You weave your way through two parks, some residential neighborhoods, the cemetery where Lincoln's tomb is, and then finally back to the Prairie Heart Institute for the big finish. Afterwards you can enjoy some nice post-race snacks and get your sweaty picture taken with Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln. Results were handed out quickly and on their website a few hours after the race. The weather was awesome if a bit windy, but it was a fine day for a race.

Nicely done, Mr. Lincoln. Nicely done.

I didn't really race this race. I used this race as a training race, and tried to practice my 10:00 pace so I could get a good feel for the effort I would need to maintain for 26.2 miles. After looking at my results, my average pace was a 10:01. However, I was running much slower at the start of the race because I was running with a slower buddy of mine. After he decided to walk at about mile 6, I ran on ahead and was actually keeping a nice 9:30 pace for the last half of the race, so it all evened out. I was just impressed that I didn't kick it into high gear and try to run an 8:30 for the last half. I am still learning self-control.

To end this post, please enjoy some random pictures I took while at my half marathon this weekend (especially the one of the finisher's medal-very cool). And have a good long look at the last one of my brownish/blackish toenail, a runner's rite of passage. Have fun!

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