Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Friday, December 28, 2018

Four quick things about my new spin obsession

Today's workout was some spin, baby.  Specifically, it was Cathe's Cycle Sweat.

Spin (or indoor cycling....toeMAYto, toeMAHto) is quickly becoming my new obsession, especially since it's low impact but super duper cardio-intensive.  I am currently rotating between Cycle Sweat and three other Cathe spin DVDs: Pedal Power, Ride, and CycleMax.  Here's four quick things about spin that I have discovered in the past few weeks:

Thing #1: This is WAY better than just getting on the bike and pedaling in front of the depressing news we have these days.

I used to pull the bike in front of the TV and just pedal for however many minutes I had decided to pedal that day, grinding through the workout and the news.  No wonder I wasn't ever super excited about getting on the bike.  With these workouts, I have some sort of challenge to look forward to every time I pop in one of these workouts.

Thing #2: Speaking of challenge, holy dripping buckets of sweat, batman.

If you're using the proper resistance and not taking it easy sitting down when they're standing up, then you're going open up the sweat floodgates during these workouts.  I was completely taken by surprise at how many calories my watch said I burned when I did Cycle Sweat for the first time (400+).  I was also taken by surprise by how challenging the workout was, especially since I hadn't ever really ridden on a bike out of the saddle that much.

Thing #3: I'm pretty sure these workouts are going to keep me in riding shape for when the weather allows me to bust out the tri bike this spring.

The one thing I hate in the spring when I start dusting off the tri bike is that feeling like I'm starting over with my bike training.  I'm pretty sure with these workouts I will keep some of my riding legs over the winter so I can dominate my first duathlon in June.

Thing #4: Tiny dog is currently unimpressed by my spin workouts.

Seriously.  She just sleeps through them, mocking me with her slumber.

You can't please everyone, I guess.  But I'm pleased to present the learnings below:

  • When the going gets tough during one of these workouts, I just think of how I will dominate my first duathlon because of it.  
  • In other words, I lie to myself to push through.
  • Tiny dog is new to the house, so she doesn't quite understand my workout obsessions yet.
  • Tiny dog doesn't know what she's gotten herself into.
  • And sometimes with my races, neither do I.

Upcoming workouts: 5 miler tomorrow with a "rest" day following....and by "rest" I mean "anything but running"

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