Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A few of my mother's nuggets of wisdom

I woke up in a NyQuil haze and stumbled downstairs to eat breakfast and then do Cathe's PHA Training workout.  Here's how it went:


Since I am still technically sick (my throat was a tad sore and I had a low fever) and had an early meeting, I did one of the many timesaver premixes on this DVD.  Since this workout involves two sets of exercises done three times each, I opted for the first premix that cut out the third repeat of each set.

Choices, choices, so many choices
I've already told you-Cathe has a workout to fit your needs all the freaking time.  No excuses.

So how was the eating today?  It was good..except I was sick enough to not really be very hungry all day.  However, I did have a hankering for some spaghetti on the way home so I stopped at the store and did this crazy thing called "cooking" on a weeknight...but only because making spaghetti is pretty damn easy.


And it was good, too.

Yum.  Moe.

With me being sick all day and pretty much trapped in my office in a self-imposed quarantine, I had a lot of time to think about things today.  Mostly I thought about how much work I had to catch up on after sleeping in my recliner all day the day before.  But on those rare occasions (i.e., lunch) when I thought of other things, I thought about why I even came to work today - it was because of what my mother used to always tell us when we were sick as kids:  "Get up and go to school; you'll feel better."  While we always thought this was code for "You're not staying home alone so get up and get your butt ready," she was actually pretty accurate; once I was at school (or these days, work), I did feel better.  This got me thinking of other advice my mother used to give us about fitness, weight loss, and other important topics, and I thought I would share some of these little tidbits of wisdom with you: (please read all of them with a Southern accent)

  • My mom on weight loss: "It didn't come on all at once; it's going to take time to lose."  I have always struggled with my weight, and this is a little nugget I always have to tell myself when I get impatient with my weight loss.
  • My mom on fitness: "Take care of yourself now and you won't end up in a nursing home!"  There's truth to this - take care of yourself now and you won't have to have someone else take care of you later.  
  • My mom on brain-eating amoebas: "If you put your head in that lake you'll get a brain-eating amoeba!"  Oh wait, that wasn't my mom; that was me before my first open-water triathlon.  Sorry.
  • My mom on eating: "Calories in; calories out - specifically out on your thighs."  This was often said as I was devouring her famous banana pudding.
  • My mom after the first time I went walking with her and her friend and they neglected to tell me they freaking SPEED WALKED: "You wimp.  Keep up!"
  • More of my mom on weight loss: "You have to burn more calories than you take in."  The same Mom after coming home from the doctor with super high cholesterol: "You mean I shouldn't have eaten all that apple butter before I had the test?"
  • My mom on animals: (not really) "A cat will always photobomb what would have been the BEST POST-WORKOUT PIC EVER." 

My mom also says it's time for learnings:

  • Some workout is better than no workout.  Glad I did what I could this morning.
  • I can cook.  I just like my cooking easy, like any sane and reasonable person who spends two hours in the car each day and works between those two hours.
  • My mom has way more little nuggets than the ones I listed...only a lot of them may not be suitable for general consumption.
  • Let's just say we grew up with a lot of Southern sayings where, after they were said, we looked at her like WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN
  • Even thought my mom didn't say it, it is true about cats photobombing pics. Because they're jerks.

Tomorrow's workout: 5 mile tempo...and, after a peek at the weather, looks like it'll be on the treadmill.  *quiet sob*

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