Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Why I love cross-training days, as told in pics and some words.

I like running, but I love me some cross-training, too.  Why?  Let us count the ways, gentle (or not so gentle) readers:

1) I get to ride to nowhere on my precious spin bike, which I love more by the day and perhaps even the hour.  I have found that my legs are fresher (i.e., not tight, sore, and begging for mercy for 3 miles) and more ready for the abusive runs that I must do on the training plan in the My Run Plan app.  

2) I get to secretly (not so secretly now, I guess) wear knee-high compression socks all day at work so my legs feel one step closer to fabulous by the end of the day.  

But these Ragnar socks are fabulous all by

3)  Because cross-training, or getting up off my ass and working out as I used to call it before all the running lingo entered my life, is what helped me not look like this anymore.

WANTED: More cross-training.  And good eating habits.

4) Back selfies after repeatedly lifting heavy things.  And lots of them.

5) This picture has nothing to do with cross-training.  Just wanted to show everyone I do exist in normal human clothing for most of the day even if this human isn't all that normal.

Even the cat can sense my abnormality.

Post is over.  Read the learnings and clean up after yourself before you leave:

  • The bike is fast becoming a fave piece of equipment I wish I had invested money in purchasing sooner.
  • Don't tell my treadmill I just said that; it has jealous tendencies.
  • When you can't sit down properly and it's been 3 days since that long run that destroyed you, compression socks underneath your work pants it is.
  • Do people really lift weights for other reasons besides back selfies?  Really?  Huh.
  • While I do wear real clothes, the world would be a better place if I could wear running clothes to work.  Truly it would.

Tomorrow's workout: Another "REALLY, TRAINING PLAN?!?" 13 mile threshold workout.  Buh.

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