Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Day 5, Week 12: Turkey trotting and dogs in ties.

It's Thanksgiving, and to runners that only means one thing:  All nonrunners have a day where they are free to eat like runners without all that crazy "running."

Just kidding!  It really means that we runners get up early, suit up, and get out there and turkey trot 'til we can't trot no more.  At least, that's what I did.

I did a mile warm-up and then the plan was to run the 4 miles at my moderate tempo pace (8:48), because that was the run that was on the schedule.  As you can see above, that didn't happen.  It, like, WAY didn't happen. For some reason my legs were all like "WE WILL RUN THIS AS FAST AS WE WANT WHEEEEEE" and took off without me.  The only reason that first mile was slower than the rest was because those legs of mine had to dodge and weave around a lot of people that were walking or running slower than me. 

The overall result of my legs taking over?  13th out of 133 in my age group.  For this 42-year-old bird, I'll take it.  I'll also take the awesome tights I was wearing any day of the week.  And night, for that matter.

I also saw a man just walking his pig and some statues of children playing whatever game it is that they are playing...for eternity.

I don't try to explain these things.  I just show up for the turkey trot.

Anyway, after the race I went home properly ready for all of the food I was about to inhale in the name of family, togetherness, and giving thanks.  So the hubbs and I put on our best "You better not run out of turkey or you're gonna get it" faces and headed to where our family feast was being held.

The dogs had gotten dressed in their Thanksgiving best to go to dinner but, unfortunately, I had to break it to them that they couldn't go with us.  And then I prayed there wouldn't be any new holes in the drywall or carpet ripped up whilst we were feasting without them.

Even though the dogs weren't with us, the feast was good, the conversation abundant, and it was a nice time to get together with family.  Now I have to think about how I'm going to burn off all of the pumpkin bars I ate during this gathering of family and food.

Thanksgiving learnings coming at you right....NOW:

  • Not gonna lie--I was pushing the pace into the 7s during the race and had to stop and walk two times to force myself to slow down.  It didn't work because my legs were in charge, after all.
  • You could tell I hadn't run in the 7s in a long time by the loudness of my breathing during the race, which some might call "wheezing"
  • Those children statues?  Creeptastic.
  • Don't worry-there was plenty of turkey.  We didn't have to rough anyone up.
  • While we came home to no new drywall holes or carpet tears, one of my defenseless socks was heavily molested while we were gone.

Tomorrow's workout: Total body weights coming a day early...I'll explain tomorrow.

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