Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Sunday, August 4, 2019

New Shoe Review: Saucony Kinvara 10

If you know anything about me as a runner, you know that I am die-hard Brooks fan.  However, I just sacrilegiously bought a pair of Saucony Kinvara 10s.  Don't tell all 5 of my pairs of Brooks Launch about this, okay?

Oooo purple!

Since I've been experiencing foot and hip problems, I decided to explore some other shoe brands and styles because it's definitely not that I'm running too much causing my running issues, right?  Right.

Anyhoo, let's get back to those Saucony Kinvara 10s.  Because these shoes have a much lower heel drop than I'm used to (a 4 mm drop, compared to the 10 mm drop of me beloved Brooks Launch 6s) and they say you should transition slowly to a low-drop shoe, I went for a 14 mile run in those bad boys because don't tell me what to do in my own shoes, people on the internet that do running for a living and know way more about this than I do.  And let me tell you, 14 miles is enough miles to get to know a shoe.  So, what did I learn about the Kinvara 10?

  • I learned that you can tell your heel is much, much lower than normal in this shoe.  I could definitely feel that my heel was lower than normal, but the forefoot of this shoe had ample cushion.  It felt weird at first, but after the first mile I didn't notice the heel lowness, but I did feel the cushion with every step.
  • I learned you can have a cushy shoe that is still lightweight.  These shoes never ever felt heavy, unlike my Brooks Ghost 11s which often feel like bricks tied to my feet at the end of a long run.
  • I learned that those weird little bumps on the back inner heel of the shoes designed to do...something...with your Achilles feel weird at first.  I don't know if those are on the shoe as some added sales gimmick, but I thought they were going to be a deal-breaker when I first put the shoes on.  Who wants something rubbing against the back of your heels during a run?!?  But I completely forgot about them after the second mile and didn't feel them again.
  • I learned that running in a lower heel drop does make your calves kinda way more tired by the end of 14 miles.  My calves were whinier than normal by mile 12, and I kept hearing them whine when I was walking around the county fair later that night.  Maybe I should listen to those internet people from crazy sites like Runner's World saying to ease into low-drop shoes slowly...
  • I learned that the roomy feel of this shoe made the top of my foot NOT hurt for once.  I've been having pain along the tendon extending from the big toe, but there was none of that pain yesterday.  It was kind of nice.  And speaking of pain...
  • I didn't have any hip pain, either.  I don't know if the shoe was the cause or the profuse icing I did of my hip the night before, but just thought that the lack of pain should be noted. 
  • I learned that while these felt light, I didn't get that "fast feet feeling" I do in my Brooks Launch 6.  I like to feel like I can fly in a pair of shoes...while the Kinvaras are light, the push-off wasn't as nimble as I like it to be.  Contrasting the feel to the tempo run I did the other day in my fave pair of Launches, the Kinvara weren't really up to snuff.  They weren't slow-feeling, just not as fast as I'd like them to be.  
  • I learned that the white and purple color scheme matched my nonmatching running outfit theme of the day.

What else do you expect when I'm up at 5:30 AM on a Saturday trying to make my brain pick out something in which to run?

Overall, I'm actually pretty pleased with the Kinvara's performance on this run, but my feeling whilst running in them was that I wasn't overly wowed by them.  I would definitely run in them again, but maybe alternate long runs in them or wear them for easier paced shorter runs.  I still prefer the quick pace and pickup feel of the Brooks Launch 6, but the Kinvara 10 still has a place in my running shoe rotation.  Besides--they're purple; I can't NOT wear them.

Tomorrow's workout: Speaking of quick, tomorrow there shall be speed.  But only a little in the form of 200 m repeats.

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