Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Day 1, Week 7: Stupid workout thoughts.

I admit it - I haven't been consistent with this blogging thing like I promised I would.  Work has only picked up in velocity this summer and I have found myself getting home with only about 2 hours before I have to be in bed...and posting is usually not on the priority list in those two hours. 

But I hereby swear to do better, even if it's to post one random picture with an incoherent caption that my sleep-deprived brain thought was hilarious when I posted it. In fact I PINKY swear it to all of you.

Now that that's out of the way, let me show you what workouts I've been up to over the past week:

A little weights, a little running, a little cycling, and a little putting up with large dog taking breaks when I least expect it.  Or want him to.  So, in other words, the usual.

But what's not usual is the distance of the bike ride I did two days ago.  And then the run I did the next day.

40 miles on the bike at nearly 18 mph?  For me that's pretty freaking UH-MAYZING people.  However, busting it out on the bike on Saturdays is causing my long runs to be much slower on Sundays...but I've come to terms with that.  It's teaching me to run on tired legs (or at least that's what I'm telling myself).  It's also allowing me loads of time to think deeply about things, giving time for weird thoughts to come bubbling to the surface.  These bubbles are most likely helping me cope with the distance training I'm doing...or just a sign that I'm a moron.  Either way, let me lay some of these weird workout thoughts on you:

  • "If I ran a race company, I would change the direction of the course if the wind was too strong so people wouldn't have to bike into the wind.  Because this sucks."
  • "If I were to carry bananas with me on long runs, how can I prevent them from becoming really hot banana mush in my pocket by the 6th mile?"
  • "If I run one more mile outside, that means I could go inside and only do ____ miles on the treadmill." (This thought usually repeats every mile outside until OOPS workout completed outside how'd that happen)
  • "If I am doing loops and I just ran by the driveway to the house and I am 0.17 miles into the mile that means I only have to run...uh....ummm....screw it math is hard I'm just running to that stop sign and back."
  • "I wonder what would happen if I threw my water bottle at the next car that only gave me 3 inches of clearance as they passed me."
  • "If a runner runs between cornfields singing old U2 songs and no one is around to hear it, does she really make a sound?"
  • And, last but not least..."Exactly why do I do this again?  Oh yeah - to have an excuse not to clean the house."

Instead of learnings where you learn nothing, I'm just posting all the bad pics I took from the ride and the run this weekend.  Enjoy.

Star Trek SEXY

Shadow derp.

A rare in motion derp

Almost thrown at several cars during the run.

Awesome shorts alert.

Tomorrow's workout:  Anything that doesn't involve using my legs.  Probably upper-body weights.

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