Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Monday, September 18, 2017

Days 1 & 2, Week 3: A little running, a little trip to the ER

I had every intention of posting yesterday because I had a lot to say about how I didn't finish the 20 miles that were on the training schedule.  I had all sorts of excuses and funny pictures planned.  I wanted to talk about life getting in the way again, like it did on Saturday with me having to do laundry and such.

Well, life did get in the way.  But this time it was a capital LIFE-a life that's bigger than laundry.

My agenda yesterday was already full.  I had to get up and do as many miles as I could before running a 5K.  This meant a hot 4:30 AM date with my headlamp for a 6 mile run.  Well, it wasn't hot, but the humidity had me soaked by the end of the first mile.

I then got the large dog ready and took him to the 5K.  I wish I had photos of it, but hey-I was in such a hurry that I never had the time to think about getting the phone out for pics.  However, we did really well because the pack was small.

Third overall female.  Can't be upset with that. After stopping at Starbucks to get the large dog a puppacino, we headed home so I could get ready for a birthday party the hubbs and I were attending that afternoon.  I'm not normally a social type, so I was in my usual mood before we left.

By the way, that picture above is a rare glimpse of me in casual clothing that does not consist of running clothing in any way, shape or form.  You're welcome.

During the party we were all sitting there having a good time watching stupid YouTube videos on someone else's phone when the hubbs turns to me and says "Man.  I just can't keep my eyes open.  I am so tired all of a sudden."

That statement in and of itself is not unusual.  Hubbs has always been what I consider to be borderline narcoleptic, and can fall asleep at the drop of a hat.  When we got home I was fully planning on finishing the 11 miles I was missing on my run and then calling it a night.  And then he told me he was experiencing double vision and had been since the party...and that his world was tilting way more than it should.

That's when we got scared and went to the ER.

After 4.5 hours, some blood work and a CT scan later, we know that he doesn't have a tumor and didn't have a stroke.  Still waiting for one more test result and to see a neurologist.  It was a long night with a LOT of waiting.  If you're ever in an ER for as long as we were, here's a helpful list of things you can do to pass the time:

  • Listen to fellow waiting room guests talk non-stop about the many fights they have with their husband
  • Buy your husband a Coke right before he has a blood glucose test
  • Eat a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips you got out of the vending machine and then realize there's no water in the vending machine next to it and no water fountains anywhere
  • Make the best of some unknown piece of equipment loudly beeping at a regular interval by filling in a little beep-like song between the beeps to make a musical piece of your own composition
  • Remind your husband that he should probably not operate things like weed-eaters, chainsaws, or sharpen mower blades with double vision 
  • Quiz the nurse taking your husband's blood on her medical terminology knowledge
  • Take a nap on a biohazard container:

And before I get angry comments, YES I wiped down that EMPTY container with a sanitary wipe before this picture was taken.  I'm a moron that does crazy stuff for crazy pics, but not a complete moron.

So I only managed 9 miles of those 20 that were planned, but I think what I did instead was way more important.  On tap for today is some upper-body weights, which I plan on doing later tonight.  Hopefully no more life gets in my way - I've had my fill of it right now.

Tomorrow's workout: The dreaded mile repeats on the treadmill.

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