Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Friday, February 1, 2013

Weight Training and Gratuitous Dog Pictures

It is Friday, people, and we all know what that means. Well, we know what it means if you're me and you're up at 4 A.M.--it's time for weight training, baby. I broke out the barbell this morning for a quick 30 minute upper-body workout via Cathe's Muscle Endurance workout.

One of the things that I do love about Cathe's workouts is the presence of premixes. This was one of her earlier workouts, but it had four decent premixes--and upper body split, a lower body split, a leg presses-only split (that must be for pure masochists), and one other one I can't remember right now. Her more recent ones have approximately three gajillion premixes per DVD, so there really are no excuses--you can always find a workout that suits your time needs and/or intensity needs (the woman has premixes where you do the workout twice, for crying out loud).

Now, I've done her Muscle Endurance workout before, but today parts of it seemed a tad more challenging than normal. Specifically, the bicep curls with a barbell seemed particularly undoable this morning. I don't know if it's because my body is tired from running 3 days in a row (something it has never done before) or if I'm just getting wimpy in my old age. But did them I did, and followed them up with some clean and presses and all sorts of shoulder, back, and triceps goodness. Topped that off with some abs, and it was a productive 30 minutes this morning. It was the perfect workout really: enough to let you know you worked out, but not too much that it is going to exhaust me for my workout tomorrow.

Speaking of that workout, I am scheduled to run a 20 miler in the morning. I can't think of anything better to do when my Achilles has been feeling fan-freaking-tastic this week (maybe because of all my treadmill running? My new purple calf sleeves? That voodoo that you do?) than go run 20 miles. It will be cold and probably snowing, but it's a run that needs to get done. At least I'll have the comfort of knowing that my puppies will be at home, safe and warm:

Yeah. I'll bring home some snow to throw on 'em just to shake them up.

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