Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I'm serious. I'm not teasing. I will lose this weight.

Today's workout, kiddos, was Cathe's Supercuts plus her Core #2 workout that is on the same DVD.  I'm still resting my foot from the tendinitis issue I've been having, but this morning I found where I hid my naproxen, so it's been feeling GOOD all day. But my workouts and stupid injury are not really the focus of my blog ramblings this time.

You see, I know it's a little late for New Year's resolutions, but I am resolved to lose 20 pounds.

I'm serious--I'm not teasing.

My colleague and I shot a video together at work to teach students how to draw Bohr diagrams, and boy do I hate the way I look.  I mean I really hate the way I look.  Specifically, I hate the way my gut hangs out.  I could lie to myself and say those are just my humongous abs of steel that can kill someone with a single contraction, but I've been lying to myself about my weight for about a year now. It's time to face reality.

Of course, I am training for a marathon, so my weight-loss goal is going to be a little tricky to carry out.  When I am running an 18-22 mile run, I can easily take in a buttload of calories.  And my body is going to need some calories to recover.  So, in order to successfully train for my marathon and lose some poundage (which should make me faster, too, when I don't have so much weight to haul around during speed work), I have decided to do the following:

  • Eat real food.  I have been shoveling down the processed food when I know better.  Time to swap out the V8s for real veggies.  Speaking of veggies....
  • Eat more veggies.  Overeating carrots is not the same as overeating Quaker Popped rice cakes that are coated with cheesy salty goodness.  Although you do tend to spend a tad more time in the bathroom when you overeat carrots.
  • Stop with the sugar addiction.  Like the Quaker Popped rice snacks, I can't have any type of candy in the house, or I inhale it in a matter of minutes.  
  • Cook my own dinner.  No more eating things that came out of a box.  Time to get off my lazy arse and take 10 minutes to cook up a chicken breast at night.
  • Stop the "Oh, well, I just ran 20 miles I can go pig out at my favorite restaurant and I'm allowed to do it because _________________" crap and eat at home.  That weird old mentality I had towards food is creeping back, the one where I get all excited about eating crappy food at restaurants and can justify eating said crappy food in my brain with all sorts of ridiculous reasons. It shall be evicted--hopefully permanently.

These are all small changes, but I'm hoping they add up to big changes in my weight so I can be lighter, fitter, healthier and maybe just a little faster.

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