Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Year, New Blog Post...Same old goals.

So here we are again--at the dawn of a new year.  It's really too bad I have the same old goals as last year.  And the year before that (ad infinitum...and ad nauseam).

But let's review what those goals are anyway, just in case what's old becomes new again.  And in case I actually stick to them I'll know what they were because I wrote them down somewhere.

Goal #1: Run More

Seems simple enough, but I have only been running three days a week for about 4 I decided to throw caution to the wind and add another easy run during the week.  This run will be done in the morning, and in the evening there shall be a spin workout or a weight workout.  but in order to accomplish that two-a-day workout, I also have to work on the next goal, which is....*drumroll*

Goal #2: Go home after work.

I have decided heretoforthwith that on the day I do that extra easy run in the AM that I will actually leave work on time, go home, and do at least 30 minutes of spin or weights.  I know I can do it because I actually did it today, and boy oh boy was it a new experience getting home before dark.  Even the animals were caught by surprise, especially since the male cat was in the shower when he shouldn't have been.

My co-goal with this one is also to then reward myself for skedaddling out of work on time and working out by reading in my awesome new comfy chair for the rest of the night.  I don't know if i can do that one yet because obviously I'm blogging right now instead of reading...duh.

Goal #3: Stay addicted to spin workouts.

This one is gonna be easy youbetcha.

Let's blast.

Goal #4: More sleep, please.

I tend to burn the candle at both ends when it comes to my job, so I really need to buckle down, set a bedtime, and stick to it.  If i can get the animals off the bed so I can get in, that is.

Goal #5:  Lose 20 pounds by June.

Because seriously, kids, my job-induced stress-eating is getting out of control again.

I can do better than this.

I'm 14 pounds heavier than I was at this time last year, and it's really time to get serious.  So here's what I'm doing, in a nice bulleted list because bulleted lists are awesome:

  • I ordered me some Medifast.  I need structure, people, because apparently I'm no good on my own.  I am also really sick of the Nutrisystem food, which is why that wasn't ordered again.
  • I'm going to stick to the Medifast plan and weigh myself every day like I used to.
  • I'm gong to stop being ashamed that I gained weight and just freaking take care of this once and for all by changing my eating for the long-term.
  • I'm going to stop letting work put pounds on me and find other, healthier ways to deal with the work stress as it arises.  Like picking fights with my co-workers (NOT REALLY CO-WORKERS if you're reading this).

Goal #6: Stop posting so many animal pics.

Just kidding!  I need to post WAY more animal pics, starting right.......NOW

And what have we learned from this excursion into my 2019 goals?  Well:

  • Stress eating.  Buh.
  • Weight gain.  Double BUH
  • I stayed up past my bedtime to write this post, so going to have to restart that whole "bedtime" component of that goal.
  • I am glad I added that run, if for nothing else to make me leave work on time at least one day a week.
  • My weight gain is seriously bumming me out.  More about that in another post.
  • What the world needs is more animal pics.  Right....NOW

Upcoming workouts: Last two days were 3-mile easy runs...have some spin, some weights, and a "long" run of 6 miles this weekend.  Life is rough right now, folks.

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