Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Saturday, February 10, 2018

This cold weather running stuff has got to stop.

When I see that I have a 20 miler on the ol' training schedule, first I check the weather to see if it will be nice enough to put off until tomorrow.  But Mother Nature has never helped this runner out with that, and today was no exception.  It had snowed a couple of inches this morning, so I knew that the roads would be a mess around my little country house.  This meant finding that pair of Yak Trax I had from last year and strapping them on before taking a selfie showing how excited I was to be running in the cold and snow.

Yak Trax.  Buh.

SO EXCITED about winter running.

I set out on the run in the shoes I bought yesterday, and they felt pretty good.  Too bad that was pretty much the only thing that was good about the six miles I did outside.  I was pretty much miserable the whole time - the Yak Trax making every footstep feel heavier than normal, the cold air causing me to run slower to stop the wheezing, and cars whizzing by me and spraying me with the wet dirty snow that was still on the ground.  One car did slow down as they passed me, and the driver gave me a thumbs up and shouted, "RAGNAR!" out his window.  That did cheer me up for about half a mile, so thanks, random driver, wherever you are.

As I was finishing up mile 6, Mother Nature made a call directly to my gastrointestinal tract, so I headed back to the house to answer it.  And once I had stayed in the warmth of my little house for more than 2 minutes, I realized there wasn't any going back outside to do any more running.  So I rented a movie on my Kindle (Captain America: The Winter Soldier), waited for it to download, and hopped on for 14 more miles.

I cut out all the sweat spots.  You're welcome.

I thought those 14 treadmill miles would be harder, but they weren't.  They flew by, and I was running at the same pace I was outside.  The only differences were that a) I wasn't cold, b) I didn't have Yak Trax on, and c) I wasn't wishing the run would be over every single minute I was running.

I think it's official - I am completely over running in the freaking cold.  Completely.  Really.  Let's enumerate some reasons why I am over running in the cold because I haven't put a list of any kind yet into this post:

Reason #1: I'm too old for this crap. When I started running in my mid-30s, every run was a new adventure, and I wasn't about to let the cold stop me from running 20 miles, even if meant frostbite was a very real possibility.  Now that I have 27 or so marathons under my belt, I'm all about getting the training in without risking any of my fingers.

Reason #2: It's not fun for me to run in the cold.  Nope.  Not fun at all.

Reason #3: The hubbs doesn't worry about me getting abducted if I'm running on the treadmill.  And if I get abducted, the house will never, ever be clean again and the laundry will just pile up until it acquires sentience.

Reason #4: It's always summer on the treadmill.  That means I can dress for summer running WOOT

Reason #5:  Have you ever tried to answer nature's call in sweaty winter running clothing and then try to get that same clothing put back in the right place so that you don't feel all weird for about 2 miles?  Well, I have.  And it sucks.  Especially when you have to take off your gloves, too, and you risk that frostbite thing again.

Reason #6: Can you watch movies while you run outside?  Well, you *can* but it's much easier to do on the treadmill.

So, let others be winter running badasses.  I'll stick to wimping out on the treadmill while I catch up on all the comic book movies I have never watched.

I'm not so over giving you some learnings:

  • There are those who say running on the treadmill won't really give you the training you need to do well in your goal race.  And those people don't realize that my legs are whining just as much right now as they would if I had done 20 miles outside.
  • Summer running gear on the treadmill is one of my sweet guilty winter running pleasures.
  • I need more thumbs-ups from random driving dudes.  That was pretty sweet.
  • I also need to tell you that I am really liking those Brooks Levitates I won at Twin Cities in the fall.  Cushiony, light, and I got a free pair of shoes that cost $150 EVEN MORE WOOT

Tomorrow's workout:  Upper body weight lifting goodness, of course.

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