Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

How to procrastinate before doing your run - a helpful guide

Work took over my computer last night (I was working on a presentation I was giving at another school district), so unfortunately there was no time for posting facetious garbage on the old blog here.  But not tonight--rest assured that I have plenty of time for facetiousness this evening.  And with that reassurance, let the post begin with how my day began this morning:

Thumbs up for BIKING AT 4:30 AM

I am totally digging my new exercise bike.  Although I've only done rides for 20 minutes or so on it,  that didn't stop me from getting saddle sore, if you catch my drift.  After spending my quality new exercise bike time this morning, I did some Cathe PHA Training and spent some quality time with my beloved heavy weights.

ZOMG is it 3 pounds or 30 pounds?!?  Stupid new math.

 But what about yesterday's workout?  Yesterday's choice of running torture was a 12 x 400m workout @7:30 pace, in the middle of which I lost count and had to stop the workout on my watch and count the little spikes on my pace graph to figure out where I was.  But actually getting on the treadmill and doing that workout was a challenge, especially since it was on a day off from work and my brain went into "LAZY" mode.  I procrastinated hard yesterday, getting dressed for the workout at 9:30 AM and not actually doing it until around noon(!).  So what did I do for all those hours I was dressed for a run but wasn't actually running?  My usual procrastination activities, of course.  They are listed below as a handy "how-to" guide in case you want to work on your workout procrastination as well.

How to Procrastinate Before Doing Your Run:

1) Mentally decide you will do you your run.  The sit in your recliner for a good 20 minutes.

2) Get up and get your running duds on, but do NOT put your running shoes on.  Instead, go for your flip-flops.

3) Put the treadmill down from its folded position so the animals can run all over it.  Go sit in the recliner for 10 more minutes.

4) Decide to have a cup of coffee because, you know, caffeine helps your running, after all.

5) Go online and buy another pair of running shoes while sipping that coffee even though you have two pretty new pairs sitting upstairs in your closet.

6) Look at the clock and realize it's almost lunchtime and decide to chow down before hitting that treadmill.

7) Now that you're full from lunch, you gotta let all the food you hang out in the recliner cruising aimlessly around the internet on your laptop for a good hour.

8) Look at the clock and realize you have an appointment in the early afternoon so holy crap you better get on the treadmill and get that run done.  Continue to sit for another 5 minutes.

9) Get up and put on your running shoes.  On your way back downstairs, play with the cats that hang out on the landing for at least 10 minutes.

10) Finally get on the treadmill when the hubbs wanders through the house, looks at you, and asks, "Haven't you gotten on the treadmill yet?!?"

Hubbs shaming me gets me to doing my run every time.

Look out--learnings!

  • I know you all covet that DVD/VHS combo player in the first picture.  I can feel it.
  • My current obsession is listening to scary story podcasts, so you can bet your sweet patootie I was listening to them while I was on the bike this morning working on my saddle soreness.
  • It's amazing to me how I can be on the 'mill at 4:30 AM every work day but on every day off  it's all procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate.  I am a moron.
  • You know what comes after hubbs shaming me onto the treadmill? Him asking me every 5 minutes if I'm almost done because he's worried I'm going to make him late for our afternoon appointment.

Tomorrow's workout:  Tempo!  3 miles super fast!  Hopefully outside!

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