Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Glass City Marathon Weekend: Some 5K and some art appreciation

So the twin and I are in Toledo, OH for the Glass City Marathon weekend, which you already knew if you have been reading all of my blog blatherings as of late.  We got into Toledo on Friday night, went to the expo and grabbed our packets, visited with friends who were nice enough to cook us dinner, and then went back to the hotel and promptly went to bed because hey--5K on Saturday morning.

Coffee and three nuts.

Obligatory start line selfie.

Look at all those beautiful 5kers.

Why did we do a 5k the day before a marathon?  Shake-out run.  And more blingity-bling.

I ran with the twin sis, and we ran really easy because we both have really really long races tomorrow.  She ended up PR-ing, and I ended up posing with rocket people and doing weird stretching exercises after the race.

FYI: Rocket Girl's helmet was SPARKLY.

I call this stretch, "The Idiot."

After the 5k, we headed back to our friends' house to shower and have post-run coffee.

 We then headed out to try and appreciate some art.

Ready to appreciate the crap out of things.

Here's the art I most appreciated:


We were lucky enough to catch a glass blowing demo at the museum, because Toledo is the Glass City, after all.

I was constantly thinking HE IS GOING TO DROP

We then went out to eat and had an excellent dinner so I had the energy to lay out my flat self for the marathon tomorrow, during which I will keep repeating that what doesn't kill me will get me a PR.

And now it is time for this little marathoner to grab some sleep--a 7 AM start means a very early morning.  But it's never too early (or late) for some learnings:

  • How awesome are those Saucony leggings I was wearing?
  • Super awesome, that's how awesome.
  • Twin sis got to ring the PR bell and I got a picture but I was not allowed to post it here because she is a big weenie.
  • The glass blowing demo was seriously cool.  And the dude knew all the science behind it and it was amazing.
  • My tie-dye shoes are amazing, too - and hopefully they will snag me a PR.

Tomorrow's workout: 26.2 miles around Toledo.

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