Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Day 4, Week 11: Things that shame...I mean, inspire you to get your workout done.

This morning my workout supervisor demanded I do some Cathe Strong and Sweaty Boot Camp.  Apparently I have displeased him in some way.

Puny hyooman.  Lift this many times repeatedly.
Actually, there's a lot to like about this workout.  This workout is a nice break from lifting heavy, since you only use 8, 10, 12, and 15 lb weights.  You also get to do box jumps and my beloved barbell during every round of exercises, so hey-what's not to love?

Oh right.  There's those pesky push-ups.  Well, no workout is perfect.  I still took it on and took it down this morning.

Don't be all jealous of my headband and sleeping dog.

Speaking of taking it on, sometimes you may need some motivation to get that workout done.  If you read this blog, you know I pretty much have to talk myself into any long run that I do, especially when the weather gets disgusting in any way.  If talking myself into it doesn't work, sometimes I turn to my favorite inspirational running quotes or memes to motivate (or shame, which happens most often) myself into doing my workout.  I thought I would share some of my favorites with everyone; you'll find them below in no particular order.


The "excuse" part is what gets me.  I'm a no-excuses kind of gal.  This gets me going.

#2: "If you fail to prepare you prepare to fail."

An oldie but a goodie.  It's my way of shaming myself.  For example:  "If you do not do this run you will not hit your goal time and it will be ALL YOUR FAULT because you missed this run."  What can I say, my inner voice is more "mother from hell" than "gentle social worker."

#3: "But what if you nail it?"

This isn't really one you see plastered over some picture of a sunset over a forest.  This is a question I ask myself when I'm a bundle of nerves before a race I'm actually racing for time and I've filled myself full of doubts in the minutes before the gun goes off.  For some reason asking that question puts me into "BRING IT ON LET'S DO IT OR DIE TRYING" mode.

#4: "It's supposed to be's the hard that makes it great."

This is one that I use before my hated mile repeat sessions or a tempo run that seems like it's a million miles long.  It's also one that reminds me that I'm not going to feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in mile 17 of a marathon.  It's going to suck.  And I have to push through the suck.

#5: "So it's cold/hot/rainy/snowy.  It won't be as bad as you think."

It's never as bad as I think it will be.  Except for that time I took off my sweaty glove in 18 mph winds in a polar vortex and almost lost my fingers.

And since the post is over, we go the learnings:

  • If a workout has box jumps and barbells, I'm all over it.
  • If a workout has push-ups, the whining will commence.  I won't give excuses, but boy will I whine.
  • Everyone needs those little phrases to get them to get the workout done; you have to find the ones that work for you.  You regret 100% of the workouts you don't do.
  • Polar vortices.

Tomorrow's workout: An easy 4 AM three miler.  Hopefully with large dog accompaniment, if weather allows.

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