Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Friday, November 3, 2017

Day 6, Week 9: I lifted small weights this morning. It was weird.

I wanted to do my usual Total Body Giant Sets workout with my beloved barbell and heavy, heavy dumbbells...but I know that variety is what keeps your body guessing and growing.  So instead I did Cathe's FlexTrain, which is a total body workout that has you prancing about with lighter weights (10 lbs and under) except for that time when I was doing one-armed rows with a 25 pounder. 

It's definitely not what I've come to know and love in my weight-lifting world, but I also know that my body needs a break from my yooge weights every now and then.

I also know setting my mat up like this during a workout when I'm not using it keeps him out of my workout area.

Looks like he's all chatarunga-ing to me in there. Or is that
"cat-arunga-ing?"  Ha ha I crack myself up!

Enough of the cat and let's get back to breaking down the workout.  Here's the good:
  • It is a nice workout for an easy day of lifting but where you still want to feel like you worked out.  There's nothing worse than feeling like you just wasted your workout time.
  • There are a nice variety of exercises, overall.  And they were all different from what I would normally do in her Strong and Sweaty series.
  • She uses what she calls a "firewalker" band toward the end to work the legs.  It's basically a really big rubber band that you slip over your ankles and then torture yourself with by doing leg exercises, mainly outer thigh exercises.  I dug this because, again, it's not a usual focus area for me and the exercises were a break from using weights.
  • There's an ab workout included in the main workout itself.  Yay!  No switching out DVDs!

Here's what bugged me:
  • So many triceps exercises.  So.  damn. many.  Two sets of two different exercises, which doesn't sound like a lot until you're in the middle of those sets.  It was overkill, in my opinion.
  • Speaking of those triceps exercises, they were exercises that I don't particularly care to do.  And then I had to do them twice.  Buh.
  • And what was with all those freaking push-ups?  So many.  Too many.  
  • And you know how happy I was that there is an ab workout included on the disc and I wouldn't have to switch to another after the workout?  Yeah, well, I had to switch anyway because I rotate between the FlexTrain ab workout and the Strong and Sweaty ab workout...and today the latter was on the schedule.

And that ab workout is a killer, let me tell you.

Dogs be like "Crazy woman will be OK"

Here's the learning that needs to be done:

  • I hate push-ups.  I don't know if that's obvious or not.
  • I did make a smart decision to lay off the heavy weights because...20 mile run tomorrow.
  • That 20 miler will be in the rain.  Double buh.
  • Can there be more bullet points in this post?  
  • Yep.  Here's one more.

Tomorrow's workout: 20 miles.  Hopefully this side-stitch ab thing won't crop up again like last time.

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