I did squats yesterday for the first time in over a month and it's been really fun trying to sit down today.
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Super serious, even. |
Yesterday morning I was all LOAD UP THAT BARBELL and today I was all AIEEEE trying to sit in my office chair at work. So, of course, I spent most of the day standing, in fear of my own glutes.
During yet another slow bike ride, I realized that doing a duathlon in 2 weeks that involves a 56 mile bike ride is stupid.
Like, really stupid. Especially since I'm still super slow on the bike and I can really only hand around 25 miles at once right now without throwing the bike in a ditch out of sheer frustration. And then ugly crying because I just hurt my old but really expensive bike.
So that's why I decided to drop down from the half duathlon (10K/56 mi/10K) to the Olympic distance duathlon (5K/26 mi/10K) and use that as a baseline race for the half duathlon I have later in September. This decision made me happy, especially since they didn't charge me an extra fee to change races. In fact, in made me happier than my outrageously colorful bike jersey made me.
There is no unhappy in this jersey. Unless I'm riding into the wind and uphill. |
Speaking of happy, guess who lost 5 pounds?!?
OK, I won't make you guess--it was me. Turns out not eating processed carbs does help you drop the poundage. I decided I'm only weighing myself once a week, so I'll check in then. Or whenever else I feel like it.
But my glutes were most definitely not happy after I made them participate in speed work this morning.
Buh. The first half mile of the warm-up felt like my muscles didn't quite remember how to run. But they did eventually remember, and I busted out twelve 200m repeats at a 7:30 pace. Not the toughest workout I've ever done, but definitely not easy like the Runner's World app said it was.
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Easy my sweet patootie. |
Easy?!? Does this look "easy" to you?
Well, it might look easy if you're even a slightly better runner than me. But Runner's World App...cut me a little slack here, eh? Easy. Pffffft.
Sometimes that Runner's World App goes a little nutty syncing to my Garmin.
Complete craziness people.
Almost 38 miles in one day? Now, all I did that day was a bike ride and some strength training - I didn't run an ultra for crying out loud. This is something that could mayyyybeee be improved in this app.
And what the heck is up with see-through workout clothing?!?
I mean, really.
Now, this isn't as see-through as other items I have seen (through). But if I wanted people to experience the gloriousness that is my incredibly white hasn't-seen-the-sun-since-1992 mid-section and all of my lovely fat rolls, then I would just freaking run WITHOUT A SHIRT ON. (But I'm still not brave enough to join the #SportsBraSquad.)
And don't even get me started on all that organza-like mesh in running tights that's been showing up lately.
I just don't get it. I guess I think too functionally and not at all like a chick. It's my cross to bear.
And your cross to bear right now, my friends, are these learnings:
- Expect more of a rant about running clothing soon. I have some pet peeves that have been building for almost 8 years.
- Garmin syncing issues with the Runner's World app (along with see-through running clothing) must end. Immediately.
- This cat could care less about my sore glute situation.
- I keep mis-typing "duathlon" as "duathlong" and I crack up every. single. time.
Tomorrow's workout: Strength and cycling. Let's hope it stops thunderstorming so I can get my cyling on outside.
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