Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Today's tempo run rating: Buh. And some pictures of food.

I had to do my tempo run (2 miles @ 8:30 pace) on the treadmill and my nose kept running the entire time.  And nature called right in the middle of the 2 miles at tempo pace, so it turned into mile repeats.  Oh well.  It was better than nothing.  Methinks I'm going to just suck it up, brave the cold, and do these outside from now on.

Today's tempo run rating: Buh.

The only good thing about that run was I got to try out a new pair of Feetures! socks that I got at the Dallas Marathon Expo.  How fun are these?  Very fun, that's how much fun.

They just scream AWESOME

Even though I am really tired of eating raw nature I managed to saute another load of veggies, but I wasn't happy about it.  At all.

Useless fact: My stove is an old home economics stove we bought
from a school district when they remodeled their home econ areas.

Besides dishing up some veggies, I am happy to report I made my first attempt at slow cooking an entire chicken.  I don't know if I've ever talked about this before, but I don't cook.  I'm that person that, when asked to bring something to the office potluck, goes to the store and buys the first thing she sees and hopes like hell it's actually edible and then hopes people will actually eat it and not leave it on the table like the last kid picked to play dodge ball in PE class. Cooking is not what I do, and it's not what I'm good at.  However, I got a slow cooker and found that there are some pretty easy and tasty recipes that can be made in that little miracle of lazy cooking technology.  So...I'm trying out some slow cooker recipes, and this chicken one was very ambitious for me because, you know, entire freaking chicken.  I even rubbed it first, which is not as naughty as it sounds. 

It's still cooking as I write this, so I'll let you know how it went tomorrow.  If I remember, that is.

Speaking of remembering, here are some learnings:

  • I did every freaking tempo run during my last training cycle because I did them outside.  It's going to have to happen that way again; today's tempo performance just isn't going to cut it for a 4:05.
  • I wish my fun socks could actually be seen while I was running a marathon.  Those need to be shared with the world.
  • Veggies.  Buh.  Again.
  • That chicken smells wonderful.  I just hope it's actually done cooking so I don't get a nasty infection of some kind that would stop me from running.

Tomorrow's workout: An easy 3 mile run OR this cardio circuit workout I found when I was rooting around in my DVDs...we'll see.

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