Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rainbows get me all excited.

Yesterday I talked about speed work and how I love it so. (And I do.)

Today I woke up and realized it didn't exactly love me back.  My legs are pretty tired after yesterday's speediness, and I have some soreness lingering in my left quad that will probably make me cycle tomorrow rather than do mile repeats, and maybe go for an easy run on Friday before I do the Sunburst Half Marathon on South Bend, IN on Saturday.

I must remember not to crank up the training too fast.  Easy on the peasy, if you know what I mean.  And you probably don't.

I should have cycled this morning, but I decided to go for a slow 6 mile run instead.  I did manage to keep it slow and easy, and the temperatures were very nice.  Even though it was a little windy, it really cooled you off when you started sweating.  Oh, and the rain did, too.

But the best part of the run was a totally awesome double rainbow that started to form about one mile into the run:

OK, so that's not an actual picture from this morning's run.  But that was pretty close to what it looked like, and I was running right into it.  Talk about an uplifting and inspiring sight for a 5:30 AM run!  It made the slogging about in the rain and wind totally worth it.  It also made me want to stop every single car that passed me on the road, pound my fist on the driver's side window and yell, "HEY!  LOOK TO YOUR LEFT!  IT'S A RAINBOW!" while jumping excitedly up and down, but I refrained lest I a) get hit by the car, or b) get hauled away to the looney bin.

It's the small things, really, that keep me sane.

Today's weigh-in was 145.8.  Down a little more today.  I have taken to entering in my daily weigh-ins into Garmin Connect so I can get a groovy graph.  Here's what it looks like so far (with the first measurement taken on 5/10/2013):

Ziggity-zaggity-zig.  At least by keeping track of my weight I'll get a good picture of what's normal for me throughout a month.  Hopefully after a while the best-fit line will have a negative slope, if you know what I mean.  And you should, if you remember anything from your algebra classes.

photo credit: The Uprooted Photographer via photopin cc

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