Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Monday, May 27, 2013

Stinky race shirts and goofy pics with the hubbs.

After my race on Saturday, I went for a slow 5 mile run yesterday.  My right hammie was sore and I had some tight hip flexors, so I was trying just to shake loose any of that stiffness on the run.

What I did shake loose was a lot of phlegm instead.  I don't know about any of you, but after a while I get sick of being sick.  And I get tired of coming home from a run with my sunglasses and shirt covered in snot. Enough with the sickness already, body--get over it.

What I can't get over is the smell of the race t-shirt.  I have had this happen a few times before--get a cool race shirt, and then it stinks to high heaven.  The hubbs says it is from the silk-screening, but I'm not sure.  I have washed it one time already and it still reeks; I may have to wash it about 3,000 more times.  But it is cute:

It has a nice v-neck collar.  Too bad it's stinky.

As far as my eating plan goes, yesterday I deviated from it.  Why?  Because I forgot to bring my own food and let myself get ravenous in the afternoon.  I attended my last graduation at my old school, so I was a little busy.

I brought an apple with me, but it was locked in my husband's office the entire time.  After the ceremony was over I raced back to his office and horked down that apple, along with some candy I found.  In fact, I was pretty much inhaling any food I could find, whether it be good or bad--I had let myself get that hungry.

Shame on me.  

In between inhaling food, the hubbs and I took some time to take a picture together, since it is rare that we are dressed up and in the same room at the same time:

It is also rare that we take a picture that makes us look anywhere near sane.  See what 16 (18 in the case of the hubbs) years of being in education does to you?

After we were done being stupid, we headed out to dinner at Famous Dave's, a barbeque place that we both love.  I don't know why I feel guilty about eating there; I had a salad, a very small portion of mac and cheese (it has jalapenos in it!  Joy!), and a hamburger.  I wanted to eat meat because it is a food with brakes, and the brakes were firmly applied after finishing the burger.  However, I ignored the brakes and had some banana pudding afterwards for dessert.  As a result, I felt miserable during the movie we went to after dinner (Star Trek: Into Darkness).  I must remember that feeling next time I am tempted to indulge.

I didn't want to get on the scale this morning after last night's overeating extravaganza, but I made myself confront the brutal facts.  It read 146.8, up a pound from yesterday.  Upsetting, but expected.  I just have to get back on track this week, and I should be fine.  Also, I will be ramping up my training this week in preparation for Ragnar Chicago, so I will be burning off more calories than normal.

Let's hope I can burn some numbers off the scale as well.

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