Because of this strange compulsion for sharing that plagues me, I am feeling the need right now to share what I weigh every morning. I have to admit it's not because I want to tell everyone, but I feel it is necessary to keep myself accountable in my whole "I will lose these 20 pounds goddammit" weight loss journey upon which I have embarked. So, here was this morning's weight:
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Note the blue polish. I love blue. |
You should also know that I am 5'8" tall (well, just shy of it), so that weight doesn't put me in the obese or overweight category according to the BMI charts that float about the internet. It's just not where I want to be--I need to be lighter to be faster. However, it is 0.2 lb lighter than what it read yesterday when I had my meltdown, and I'll take improvement when I can get it (even if it is probably due to water weight fluctuations).
But I am feeling good about cooking again. Today I dusted off (literally) the ol' crock pot, making some pinto beans to which I have added jalapenos because I am a glutton for gustatory punishment.
I feel good not because I am cooking, but because I know I will have dinner made for the week. This means I will have no excuse to go out to eat for dinner after work. I have to combat my weeknight laziness with weekend cooking productivity, apparently.
I am also feeling good about a 7 mile run I did this morning with a friend (was so nice to have company for once!), where my watch says I burned almost 800 calories. I tried out a new running skirt again, this time an Adidas one I found at a local Ross store:
I have the ugliest living room in the known universe. |
This skirt had much shorter spandex tights underneath than the skirt I wore yesterday but I didn't chafe, and they didn't ride up far enough to feel like bikini underwear. However, I could feel the rubbing of the thighs, so I'm sure chafing would be inevitable if I did 20 miles in this one. This outfit was perfect for the weather: 60 degrees and a nice cool wind of 8 mph. I even impressed myself by remembering to wear sunscreen.
I actually got that run done early, so now I get to spend the rest of the day working my tail off (my student teacher's last day was Friday...back to the grind). At least I'll be busy working rather than thinking about eating.
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