Running Collage

Running Collage
2019 Race Highlights

Monday, March 12, 2018

This post begins with speed work and ends with rainbows and awesomeness.

This morning's speed work was WAY better than last week's joke of a speed workout. I had a weird little ladder workout on the schedule - a 1000m, a 2000m, then 2 more 1000m repeats.  Not really a ladder; more of a speed bump, if you think about it...and if you even think about those sorts of things.

I also think about purple running shorts.  A lot.

Anyway, the workout was better because, even though my nose still kept running every 400 meters or so, I remembered I had this little cloth wipe-thingie that attaches to your thumb so you could wipe and blow your nose while you run.  If it wasn't totally gross right now I'd take a picture and show you what it looks like.

The other reason this speed workout was better was because I trucked through that 2000m repeat like a champ.  This is mainly because I divided it up into smaller 400m chunks in my mind and blasted some of my fave songs the entire time.  But I didn't go into the workout thinking I was going to make it; after all, I struggled my way through some measly 1200m repeats the week before until the struggle bus pretty much ran over me.  You see, I have this nasty habit of thinking I can't do things, and then I just go out and freaking do them, surprising myself.  And then go back to thinking I can't do those things.

What can I say; it's a gift.

So what "things" am I talking about?  Well, besides the 2000m repeat from this morning, here are some other things I never thought I could do but then busted out, both running and non-running related:

  • Stand up and present in front of others.  I used to take Fs for presentations in high school rather than get up and look like a fool in front of a class.  Little did I know that would be my primary job for 17 years in my own classroom - and that I would even make presentations in front of entire school districts.
  • Run 3 miles at once.  Before my first 5k, I had never run three miles straight.
  • Run a full marathon.  Believe it or not, I never thought I could run a full marathon, and didn't even think I could do it at the starting line of that first 26.2 since I had never run that far in training.
  • Own cats.  I was seriously NOT a cat person at all until these two little ferals showed up on my porch befriending large dog and then asking to come in the house because they might freeze to death during the winter and they were just too cute to become kitten-cicles.

Resistance was futile.

  • Run a 4:10 marathon.  That's my marathon PR, and I didn't think I was going to make it after I completely broke down for a few minutes at mile 23.  But I gathered myself and managed to get to the finish line just in time.
  • Complete a triathlon--specifically that whole "swim" part of a triathlon.  I don't know if you call what I did "swimming," but I got the job done and didn't drown.  Win-win.
  • Get married.  I never pictured me hitched to a guy, but boy is the hubbs thankful I relented on that one.  Well, he is on the days I'm not yelling at him to stop talking to me while I'm on the treadmill.
  • Run marathons just for fun.  Some may consider that sick and wrong, but it's what I do these days.
  • And finally...I never thought I could obtain my own run recovery cat who demands recovery rubs when I finish my treadmill sessions.

Gimme da rubs hyooman...only way you can
recover properly I swears.

And there you have it--the short list of my "didn't think I could dos but went and did thems." You just never know what you can do until you try, which I guess is the main learning of this post.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go cue a rainbow.

And while I'm doing that, here are some lesser learnings:

  • How awesome are those purple running shorts?
  • Super awesome, that's how awesome.
  • Those cats were awesomely cute as kittens, you have to admit.
  • Looking back on that list, I've done some pretty awesome things.
  • Now it would be awesome if I could remember that I did them the next time I think I can't do something.
  • It would also be awesome to end this post with a pic of the dogs:

Enough facetious blogging garbage - it's play time.

Tomorrow's workout:  Cathe's PHA workout.  Good times.

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